PCLaw was developed by a Canadian partnership in the 1990’s. At about the same time, Amicus Attorney was developed by a Canadian lawyer who was a classmate to the PCLaw partners. An integration was developed between the two applications, and the number of firms using PCLaw expanded exponentially.
Lexis/Nexis acquired PCLaw in 2005 as a joint venture with Leap Group Holdings. Lexis/Nexis provided development, marketing, and support services. In May of 2019 by agreement, PCLaw | Time Matters LLC was formed and will be jointly operated by LEAP and LexisNexis. PCLaw|TimeMatters now provide law firm customers with product and support services.
The transition negatively affected PClaw support services, and firms began to leave PClaw for other products.
There are no plans to develop a cloud-based version of PCLaw. Instead PCLaw|TimeMatters is marketing a product named Leap that includes both practice management and accounting.
LawTech Consultants will continue to support PCLaw. We have also reviewed Leap and have made the decision to neither promote or support this application.